Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the Town of Excelsior Board of Supervisors might be present for the Public Information Meeting for the 2024 Ableman Road Improvement Project scheduled for December 12th, 2023 at 6:30PM at 100 E. Broadway St., Rock Springs, WI 53961
Though no Town of Excelsior business will be acted on, this notice is being posted to comply with Wisconswin Open Meetings Law, which requires public notice to be given when a quorum of a governmental body may be gathered together, unless the event is for educational purposes only.
Posted this 28th day of November 2023, Town Hall and Website. Sandra Meyer Swanson, Clerk
To: Ableman Road Property Owners & Residents
Re: 2024 Ableman Road Improvement Project
Public Information Meeting – December 12, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m.
Dear Property Owner and/or Resident:
The Town of Excelsior is proposing to make improvements to Ableman Road in 2024. The project limits are from East Lake Virginia Road, south to the Railroad tracks by STH 136. The Town received a grant from the WDOT TRIP-D Program to fund 50% of the project cost.
The Town has scheduled a Public Information Meeting to be held at the Town Hall on December 12, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an overview of the proposed project and solicit input from property owners and residents.
The Town has retained Team Engineering, Inc, from Reedsburg to provide engineering services for the project. Jamie Brandt, P.E., Project Engineer, will be in attendance to provide project details and answer questions.
You are encouraged to attend the meeting to learn about the project and provide input.
Sandra Meyer Swanson Kurt Muchow
Town Clerk